What is Plateaux?

An Exploration of Haunting Beauty
Plateaux is an indie horror video game project that is currently in development. The experience is intended to carry you, the player, through a series of events that challenge your nerve and wit with awe-inspired pensivity. 
Avoiding current horror game trends, Plateaux aims to breathe new life into the genre, introducing more stimulating game mechanics and thought-provoking imagery, while retaining a familiar, refined atmosphere.
This project is completely self-funded. Any related merchandise sales are intended to supplement its costs.

When Will this Game be Available?

The current goal is to release a proper teaser trailer and production timeline in October 2024, with an estimated release in late 2025. Fundamentally, Plateaux is a 'small' project with a concise vision. However, the scope of the project will be determined by the funding available as additional features are implemented or abandoned.
Keep an eye out for updates!

Make a donation

Game development is difficult and tedious. Anything helps!


About the Creator

Plateaux is being developed independently by Stephen Moir, a Canadian-born multidisciplinary artist.
More information can be found through the links below.